About Us

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We Provide Clothing
With a Conscience...
that becomes a Bridge

At Tantamunay Shipibo Clothing, we provide access to a Global Market place for Shipibo Women living upon their ancestral lands along the Ucayali River. 

The Sale of tapestries is essential to all Shipibo Women to support their families and the proceeds all go to the individual women. The clothing we make together in collaboration is to build our collective agreement  vision for the cultural sustainability of the Shipibo-Konibo Cultural Hertitage. 

Our clothing is all hand-made with traditional Shipibo embroideries; the Visions of Ayahuasca and the makers of these clothes are wonderful and strong women from the jungles of the Amazon. 

By supporting these products, you are also supporting keeping Shipibo wisdom and culture alive, by assisting us to bring work to the huts and villages so the women stay in circles, stay in tribe and stay upon their ancestral lands. 

Also to continue our service to Sacred Plant Medicines, where we share the Ancestral Wisdom of the Shipibo-Konibo Medicine Lineage, as a free resource,  with the Global Village Collective, so all may have the opportunity to be guided by Lineage in the Sacred World of Ayahuasca. 

Our mission is interconnected as we are all interconnected, the Shipibo Ancestral story is that villager and Maestro always supported each other, we apply that tribal wisdom and invite you to join us, in continuing to weave this story  here and now 

Oni Koshi Rao

Sacred Space

Offering healing & a safe space to do so.
(See more on Tantamunay.com)


Working in Harmony with Nature.


Giving back to the Shipibo Tribe
Applying Tribal Wisdom to All we Do.

Our Dream

Our service is to answer the call of the Wisdom Keepers of Sacred Plant Medicines, to keep Ancient Tribal Wisdom current and serve as a bridge wherever spirit calls us to In your support of Tantamunay Shipibo Clothing, you are helping with this call. Each time we make a sale, we apply tribal wisdom, sharing equally between the artisans and service to the tribal voice..
Through your purchases from our shop, you are directly causing a positive ripple effect for yourself and others, we are all connected.

So many beautiful reasons to use our clothing...